• Irrigation therapy in children and adolescents with vasomotor rhinitis
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Irrigation therapy in children and adolescents with vasomotor rhinitis

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA. 2015.2(66):40-42; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.66.40 

Irrigation therapy in children and adolescents with vasomotor rhinitis


Kokorkin D. N.

Zaporizhzhya Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine


Objective. To study the effectiveness of irrigation therapy in the treatment of children and adolescents with vasomotor rhinitis.


Patients and methods. A total of 58 children were under observation during the pre- and postoperative period. Nasal douche by saline and normal saline have been done for all patients a week before the operation, moreover nasal breathing was improved in 80% of patients. Postoperative management of patients from the second day included elements of irrigation therapy with isotonic saline sprays (Aqua Maris), nasal steroids and placebo (saline).


Results. More than half (64%) of children during the prehospital period uncontrollably used decongestants, which did not bring significant relief of nasal breathing, 28% used topical nasal steroids, and 17% of children used the nasal secretolytics. Seasonality complaints were noted in 48% of patients. The diagnosis of «chronic rhinosinusitis» has been confirmed in a third of cases. The 89% of patients marked nasal breathing as «stable good» and 11% — as «moderately unstable or difficulty» at 12–14 day after operation. After 3–6 months had been re_examined 42 patients (72%) and only 12 patients from all marked seasonal nature of complaints.


Conclusions. Isotonic spray «Aqua Maris» in combination with irrigation by antiseptic solution of operated sinuses allowed restoring nasal breathing and eliminating dryness of the nasal mucosa significantly faster than placebo and as effective as nasal steroids.


Kay words: children, vasomotor rhinitis, operation, irrigation therapy, Aqua Maris.



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