• Iron deficiency and anemia in the WHO 2017 recommendations
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Iron deficiency and anemia in the WHO 2017 recommendations

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.1(137):32–35; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.137.32

Medved V. I., Stepura N. B.
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after academician A.N. Lukyanova NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev

The article describes in detail the provisions set forth in the WHO Recommendations on the Provision of Antenatal Care for the Development of a Positive Pregnancy Experience, which relate to the prevention of iron deficiency, anemia and their negative maternal and perinatal consequences. The doses and modes of use of iron-containing drugs and folic acid in pregnant women under various conditions for the prevention and treatment are given. The evidence of recommendations of WHO experts, the expediency of their use in obstetric practice is emphasized.

Key words: pregnancy, anemia, prevalence and negative effects, iron, folic acid, WHO recommendations.


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