• Interation of metabolic compensation with the level of physucal activity in children with diabetes type i
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Interation of metabolic compensation with the level of physucal activity in children with diabetes type i



Interation of metabolic compensation with the level of physucal activity in children with diabetes type i


Morozov A. V., Budreyko E. A.

SI «Institute of Child and Adolescents Health Care of NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkov, Ukraine



Objective. To study the effect of the level of physical activity (PA) for compensation of diabetes mellitus (DM) type I in children and adolescents.



Patients and methods. A total of 69 children and adolescents with diabetes type I, in the age 7-18 years, with disease duration from 1 to 14 years (35 boys and 34 girls) were under observation. In the examination the levels of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism (glycosylated hemoglobin — HbA1c, fasting glucose, postprandial glucose levels rise, the average daily blood glucose, daily range of glycemic data) were identified as well as conducted the survey of patients and determined the level of PA with the use of modified and adapted questionnaire based on questionnaires Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children and Adolescents, International Physical Activity Questionnaire.



Results. It is established that the state of carbohydrate metabolism is closely dependent on the level of PA. The differences in the nature of the effect of PA on the state of diabetes in patients compensation of different sex is detected, as well as differences of the impact of low level of PA in children depending on the age on the state of diabetes type I compensation.



Conclusions. In adolescents, the negative effect of the low level of PA on the state of diabetes type I compensation is more pronounced than in prepubertal patients that may be associated with longer duration of disease.



Key words: physical activity, diabetes type I, children.





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