• Influence of the category of urgency of the caesarean section on the adaptive capabilities of pregnant and parturient women
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Influence of the category of urgency of the caesarean section on the adaptive capabilities of pregnant and parturient women

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.5(121):10–15; doi 10.15574/HW.2017.121.10

Usevych I. A., Kolesnik V. L.
A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev

Psychological problems during pregnancy and childbirth for today is a little studied subject of modern obstetrics. The possibilities for solving psychological problems that arise in cases of emergency obstetric situations are almost not used by Ukrainian specialists through the marriage of knowledge and skills to provide crisis psychological help to obstetric patients.

The objective: to determine the level of psychoemotional load in pregnant and parturient women, depending on the category of urgency of cesarean section.

Material and methods. The main group of the study was presented: 1 group – pregnant women, who had planned a cesarean section operation according to the ІV category of urgency and who had already had a caesarean section in the anamnesis; ІІ group – pregnant women who planned an operation according to the IV category of urgency and who had no previous caesarean section in their history; ІІІ group – pregnant and parturient women who underwent surgery, respectively, in the I–III category of urgency; Control group – 30 pregnant women in the period of 37–41 weeks of pregnancy. A survey was conducted using the questionnaires of J.Teylor, Ch.Spielberger and SAN-test.

Results. On the eve of labor in pregnant women there is an increase in the psychoemotional load, which can be determined using the above questionnaires. There is a direct dependence on the category of urgency of cesarean section and the level of psychoemotional load. Also revealed the correlation dependence of the voltage of the adaptation reserves of the pregnant woman on the presence of a history of caesarean section.

Conclusion. Almost 50 percent of pregnant women, in cases of cesarean section, respectively, 1–3 categories of urgency in the preoperative period have the maximum level of psychoemotional load according to the questionnaires used. Pregnant women who have undergone a caesarean section in anamnesis are more adapted and have less psycho-emotional stress than women who have a cesarean section for the first time.

Key words: cesarean section, psychoemotional state, pregnancy, childbirth, scale J. Teylor, scale Ch. Spielberger, SAN-test.


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