• Immunorehabilitation of children with chronic recurrent pyelonephritis
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Immunorehabilitation of children with chronic recurrent pyelonephritis

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA. 2015.1(65):120-125; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.65.120


Immunorehabilitation of children with chronic recurrent pyelonephritis


Lavrenchuk O. V.

SI «Institute of Nephrology NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev, Ukraine


Objective. To investigate the influence of «Nucleinat natriya» and «Imupret» preparations on immunological parameters in children with recurrent chronic pyelonephritis (PN).


Patients and methods. The study involved 25 children in the age from 1 to 13 years with recurrent chronic pyelonephritis (PN). The levels of proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 and anti-IL-4 in the blood and urine were defined at the stage of full clinical and laboratory remission. In 15 children (main group) were studied the data of cellular and humoral immunity and administered immunocorrective preparations. «Nucleinat natriya» received 8 children (from 5 to 13 years) during the 20 days and «Imupret» in drops — 7 children (from 10 months to 3 years) during 6 weeks. The comparison group consisted of 10 children who for the end of antibiotic therapy did not receive therapies.


Results. In children with chronic recurrent pyelonephritis were observed changes in cellular and humoral immunity due to a decrease in the compensatory capacity of the immune system for the reason of frequent relapses of pyelonephritis within 3–5 years. Immunocorrective therapy with the use of «Imupret» and«Nucleinat natriya» has led to lower levels of pro-inflammatory IL-17 and increased levels of anti-inflammatory IL-4. Normalization of peripheral blood leukogram, higher levels of IL-4 in patients after immunocorrection certify about significant activation of T-helper lymphocytes of the second type and stimulation of humoral immunity that should be considered as a positive prognostic effect of complete elimination of the pathogen from the body and prevent relapse of pyelonephritis.


Conclusions. Additional treatment of pyelonephritis by immunocorrective therapy leads to an improvement of adaptive characteristics of patient immunity and is found to be preventive measure of recurrence of the disease.


Key words: chronic pyelonephritis, children, cellular and humoral immunity, immunomodulators, cytokines.



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