• Identification and influence microbiocyanotic disorders on the course of intrauterine infection in newborns.
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Identification and influence microbiocyanotic disorders on the course of intrauterine infection in newborns.

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA. 2014. 3(59):105-108; doi 10.15574/PP.2014.59.105 

Identification and influence microbiocyanotic disorders on the course of intrauterine infection in newborns.


Fesenko M. E., Melashchenko O. I., Shaposhnikova 
N. V.

A Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», Poltava, Ukraine


Purpose: to study the clinical features of congenital cytomegalovirus, herpes and chlamydia infections with violation formation of the newborn microbiocenosis.


Patients and methods: there were presented the survey materials of 170 infants who were born in Poltava and Poltava region hospitals. Among them 147 infants in the early neonatal period were transferred from the maternity hospital to the preterm and pathology Department of the newborn Poltava infant's clinical hospital with the clinical signs of an intrauterine infection. After the further examination (according to МКB&10) there were detected among 26 infants the verified congenital cytomegalovirus infection (І group); 41 — congenital herpes infection (ІІ group); 80 — the congenital chlamydial infection (ІІІ group). The control group consist of 23 infants whose intrauterine infection is excluded by polymerase chain reaction in the blood serum. It was applied a range of modern methods (conventional clinical methods; laboratory tests, bacteriological examination). Taking into account the complexity of the structure changes in the body with an intrauterine infection, except the clinical examination, laboratory and functional tests there were used the communication check methods. It was selected the method of pairwise linear correlation, the accuracy of the estimated correlations and created a correlation matrix. The resulting material was statistically processed on a PC Pentium IV&3000 with a help of Statistica for Windows версия 6.0 programme.


Results: it is found that the birth of children with generalizuemymi, visceral and cerebral forms of congenital cytomegalovirus and herpes infections, visceral forms of congenital chlamydial infection are connected except the direct effect of cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus and chlamydia, also with the presence of the genital and extragenital pathology and a complicated pregnancy and childbirth.


Conclusion: the pathogens factors aggravated the general condition of the newborns, worsened the possibility of postnatal adaptation. At birth the state of almost two thirds of newborns regarded as serious, they needed the reanomation and an intensive care.


Key words: newborns, congenital cytomegalovirus infection, congenital herpes infection, microbiocyanotic.




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