• Homocistein’s level and haemostasis condition as attended markers of fetoplacental exchange 
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Homocistein’s level and haemostasis condition as attended markers of fetoplacental exchange 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2015.6(102):94–96 

Homocistein’s level and haemostasis condition as attended markers of fetoplacental exchange 

Makarenko M. V., Govseev D. A., Skyrda I. I., Rizhova O. A., Sysa O. N.

Kyiv maternity hospital № 5 

In the article are given data of researching the role of hight level gomocisteine in blood, which could result in obstetric complications, and the way of solviny this problems in Maternity Hospital № 5 in Kyiv. There is a connection between increased level of gomocisteine in blood and haemostasis indicators due to tromboelastography. The conducted research allowed to find the reliable criteria of fetoplacental exchange lesion and control the quality of fetoplacental insufficiency treatment. 

Key words: gomocisteine, haemostasis, fetoplacental insufficiency, endothelial disfunction. 


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