• History of pediatric surgery in Poltava region 
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History of pediatric surgery in Poltava region 

History of pediatric surgery in Poltava region 

Ksiоnz I. V.

High State Educational Institution in Ukraine «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy», Poltava, Ukraine

The pediatric surgery in Poltava region acquired official status in March, 7th in 1960, when children's surgical unit was opened on the basis of the children’s city hospital. The first doctors who took the responsibility for the organization of the offices were Pratsyuk P.M. — head of the unit, otolaryngologist Borzova N.F., ophthalmologist Monchik F.S. The first operation in the unit was carried out by the otolaryngologist Bolzova N.F. In 1967 children’s surgical unit was opened in Kremenchug. Baglaenko A.G. headed it. In 1975, based on the children’s surgical unit the course of pediatric surgery was started by the staff of Poltava Medical Dental Institute. In 1992 in Kremenchug there was run V Scientific Conference of Pediatric Surgeons of Ukraine, dedicated in the memory of professor V.S. Topuzov and the 25th anniversary of the children’s surgery unit in Kremenchug. Following the conference abstracts were published «Selected questions of abdominal surgery in children». In March, 23–24 in 2006 year were held Ukrainian scientific and training and educational conference with international participation «Sklifosovskyi Scientific Conference II part» dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of N.V. Sklifosovskyi. At the conference in Poltava, there were held a meeting of pediatric surgeons section devoted to current problems of surgical treatment of splenopathy in children and plenum of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Ukraine. On the 7th of June, 2014, by the order of the rector of HSEI «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy» Department of Pediatric Surgery with traumatology and orthopedics was organized. The Ksionz I.V., MD, associate professor, headed this department. The pediatric surgery in Poltava region is 55 years old. It’s considerable age and there could be summed the results. The time is passing down. Young, talented, aspiring to the knowledge people are joining the ranks of pediatric surgeons. They know that the best way to make children good is to make them happy, and happy children are healthy children! The surgeons of Poltava believe that attitude towards children is a measure of spiritual dignity.

Key words: pediatric surgery, Poltava region.


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