• For the diagnosis and treatment cervical dysplasia, which are accompanied by keratosis
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For the diagnosis and treatment cervical dysplasia, which are accompanied by keratosis

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.6(112):110–117 

For the diagnosis and treatment cervical dysplasia, which are accompanied by keratosis 

Lygyrda N. F., Krotevich M. S., Svintsitskyi V. S., Skoroda L. V.

The National Cancer Institute, Kyiv 

The study involved 76 patients with dysplasia of cervical epithelium mild to moderate manifestations of keratosis. At causal neoadjuvant therapy of patients divided into two groups: group A (38 patients) – 20 patients with moderate and 18 patients with mild dysplasia of cervical epithelium with the manifestations of keratosis. Group B (38 patients) – 20 patients with moderate and 18 patients with mild dysplasia of cervical epithelium with the symptoms of keratosis. A research group in the patient receiving therapy Allokin-alpha 1 mg subcutaneously № 6 in combination with a2b-interferon in the form of suppositories, 500 000 IU twice a day 14 days. In group B, patients received therapy a2b-interferon in the form of suppositories, 500 000 IU twice daily for 14 days. In the future, patients performed excision of the cervical transformation zone. Evaluation of colposcopic pattern in three weeks after the course showed that significantly more positive trend colposcopic pattern manifested in a decrease in the area and the degree of expression occurs in group A patients (86.8%) compared to 63.2% of patients in group B. The normal colposcopic feature after treatment determined in 97.4% of patients of group A, while in 31.6% of patients in the group are registered colposcopic residual sing keratosis.

Key words: cervix, keratosis, leukoplakia.


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