• Features of the morphofunctional state of placenta in women with cesarean section in the anamnesis
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Features of the morphofunctional state of placenta in women with cesarean section in the anamnesis

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2017.1(117):74–78; doi 10.15574/HW.2017.117.74

Nazarenko L. G., Nedorezova K. M., Sorokina I. V.
Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education
MEHP «Kharkov city clinical maternity hospital № 6»
Kharkiv national medical University

The article presents the results of clinico-morphological and functional studies of the placenta status in women with caesarean section (CS) in anamnesis undertaken to determine the possible relationship of morphogenesis of the placenta with features of functional capability of the operated uterus.

The aim of the study was to determine peculiarities of morpho-functional condition of placenta in women with a CS in anamnesis, with different variants of functional capability of the scar.

Material and methods. Examined 30 women with a CS in anamnesis, including 15 with scheduled repeat CS, and 15 with attempted vaginal delivery. Special research methods: morphometric, histological and immunohistochemical. The research object – the placenta.

Results. It is established that morpho-functional state of the placenta in the presence of the operated uterus is characterized by the inclusion of adaptive processes aimed at improving fetal-placental blood circulation. In case of operated uterus, “compromised” the lower segment, in the presence of a proper or pathological changed scar ? in the placenta do not exist involutive-dystrophic and sclerotic processes, takes place the activation of collagen formation, which is a compensatory mechanism. In the presence of insolvent the lower segment of the uterus in the placenta takes place the morphological equivalent of the intensity of compensatory reactions, which has the value of the factor aggravating perinatal prognosis, in turn, limits the chances of success of attempts at vaginal delivery.

Conclusions. Morphogenesis of the placenta on the background of operated uterus characterized by the development of adaptive responses, the list of which depends on a morpho-functional characteristics of the lower segment, while the degree of manifestation of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms is determined by the fact of able or unable scar.

Key words: cesarean section, placenta, vaginal labor.


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