• Features levels of sex hormones in adolescent girls with primary oligomenorrhea 
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Features levels of sex hormones in adolescent girls with primary oligomenorrhea 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.3(109):138–140; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.109.138 

Features levels of sex hormones in adolescent girls with primary oligomenorrhea 

Udovikova N. A.

SI «Institute for health protection of children and adolescents of the National Academy of medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kharkov 

The objective: to determine the level of sex hormones and their free fractions of adolescents girls with primary oligomenorrhea (I OM) when addressing for medical help for the first time ever, with due regard on the duration of I OM existence by the moment of examination.

Patients and methods. Estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) content in blood serum of 13–17-year-old adolescents girls with I OM from two groups is determined: Group 1 with the duration of I OM existence (OMexist) up to 2 years, Group 2 with OMexist longer than 2 years. Control Group (CG) consists of 44 girls of the same age with regular menstrual cycle. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statgraphics Centurion program package.

Results. E2 concentration in patients blood depends on OMexist by the moment of investigation. Normoestrogenemy was 1.5 times more often detected with girls from Group 2, than in Group 1 (Рj<0.02), hypoestrogenemy was more typical with patients from Group 1 (38.4% and 22.2% correspondingly, Рj<0.02). Hypoestrogenemy was registered 2 timesmore often with girls from Group 1 than from Group 2, whereupon body index mass (BMI) values were normal and lower (Pj<0.03). In overweight and obesity E2 concentration in the blood is not different from the control. Almost a third of both groups has T level that exceeds control data. Different T levels occurrence doesn’t depend on BMI and OMexist.

Conclusions. While OMexist increases, normotestosteronemia occurrence increases as well, whereas hypoestrogenemia occurrence decreases by 1.5 times. Estradiol level depends on BMI: hypoestrogenemia occurrence decreases with normal and lower values of BMI.

E2 concentration in blood is not different from the control one in overweight and obesity.

Different T levels doesn’t depend on BMI and OMexist. High hypertestosteronemy occurrence in patients with I OM (28.0%) may be one of the reasons of resistant OM origin just on the first year after menarche and is the risk of formation of polycystic ovary syndrome in the future.

Key words: primary oligomenorrhea, adolescents girls, sex hormones.


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