• Experience of vaginal normocenosis recovery in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age
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Experience of vaginal normocenosis recovery in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.1(137):96–100; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.137.96

Benyuk V., Nykoniuk T., Kovaliuk T.
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev

Violation of the vaginal microecology leads to the development of bacterial vaginosis (BV) – a non-inflammatory infectious syndrome caused by the dysbiotic state of the vaginal biotope, the digestive tract and the urinary system against the background of chronic immunodeficiency. Currently, the frequency of BV in the structure of infectious diseases of the female genital sphere remains quite high and amounts to 60-80%.

The objective: reducing the frequency of recurrence of BV in women of reproductive age through the appointment of a complex two-component therapy with the use of Florica vaginal suppositories.

Materials and methods. According to the aim of the study, 50 women of reproductive age with BV were examined and treated. Verification of the diagnosis was carried out on the basis of the analysis of complaints, the study of history, clinical data, Amsel diagnostic criteria, microscopy of native and Gram-stained vaginal secretions, assessed by Nugent, culture of the vaginal contents, determination of the composition of the microflora, polymerase chain reaction in real time. Dynamic observation was carried out for 6 months: immediately after the completion of the first stage of BV therapy, after 3 and 6 months of observation, additionally according to indications (appearance of complaints, clinical manifestations of relapse, undesirable reactions).

Results. The results of the research indicate that the effective use of Florica vaginal suppositories to prevent the development of vaginal dysbiosis was 88%. In the absence of measures aimed at normalizing the microbiocenosis of the vagina after the main course of therapy, clinical and laboratory recovery was observed in 16 (64%) patients, BV recurrence was found in 9 (36%) cases. It should be noted that with the use of Florica vaginal suppositories, no local or general allergic manifestations, side effects and unwanted reactions were recorded.

Conclusion. The use of Florica vaginal suppositories for the normalization of the vaginal biotope and the prevention of the development of dysbiotic processes after the completion of the main course of treatment has revealed a persistent clinical result, which has reduced the frequency of recurrence of BV by 3 times. Florica contains authentic vaginal flora, therefore it acts quickly and effectively, has a direct effect on the vaginal biocenosis, does not depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, does not cause allergic reactions and side effects. Florica is a unique vaginal system for the natural restoration of women’s health.

Key words: vaginal microbiocenosis, bacterial vaginosis, two-component therapy.


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