• Experience using ursodeoxycholic acid in children with disorders of the colloidal composition of bile
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Experience using ursodeoxycholic acid in children with disorders of the colloidal composition of bile

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA. 2014. 5(61):135-139; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.61.135

Experience using ursodeoxycholic acid in children with disorders of the colloidal composition of bile

Marushko Yu. V., Todyka Yu. I. 
A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine

In this paper, an analysis of the world literature with the study of trends in therapeutic approaches to management of pediatric patients with biliary sludge. The efficacy of the drug ursodeoxycholic acid against ceftriaxone associated sludge.

Key words: children, gallstone disease, Ursodeoxycholic acid, biliary sludge, ceftriaxone.

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