• The experience of using dietary supplements Valesan in the treatment of primary algodysmenorrhea in adolescent girls
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The experience of using dietary supplements Valesan in the treatment of primary algodysmenorrhea in adolescent girls

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.9(125):105–110; doi 10.15574/HW.2017.125.105

Starover A. V., Konkov D. G., Bulavenko O. V., Markevych B. A., Poltorak Y. V.
National Medical University named after MI Pirogov, Vinnitsa
Vinnytsya Regional Drug Treatment Center «Sociotherapy»

The objective: to assess the clinical efficacy of dietary supplements Valesan in the treatment of primary algodysmenorrhea in adolescent girls.
Materials and methods. The study involved 58 adolescent girls with primary algodysmenorrhea (30 patients in clinical group and 28 girls of the comparison group). Adolescent girls of the clinical group, in addition to the standard treatment of primary algodysmenorrhea, also received the dietary supplements Valesan. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, an analysis of complaints, a comprehensive physical, gynecological examination, pelvic ultrasound, an assessment of the rate of anxiety and depression with a hospital HADS scale in dynamics, an insomnia assessment according to Levine Ya.I. (1995) in dynamics, observation during 3 months of treatment in a row, drug tolerance analysis.
Results. Valesan’s own experience in the complex treatment of primary algodysmenorrhea in adolescent girls was showed that add of Valesan to the basic therapy positively affects the psycho-emotional state of patients, improves sleep, reduces anxiety and improves mood, facilitates the course of the disease. Admission Valesan was demonstrated good tolerability and absolute safety in appointment.
Conclusion. The positive influence of the dietary supplements Valesan on the psycho-emotional state in primary algodysmenorrhea therapy in girls of pubertal age, good tolerability, absence of side effects and high clinical efficacy do it possible to recommend its use in the health care system in the complex treatment of this patholog
Key words: primary algodysmenorrhea, girls of pubertal age, psycho-emotional state, anxiety, insomnia, Valesan.

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