• Experience of using the dietary supplement Indol-F® in women with the presence of a high carcinogenic risk of human papillomavirus in cervical epithelium
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Experience of using the dietary supplement Indol-F® in women with the presence of a high carcinogenic risk of human papillomavirus in cervical epithelium

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.8(134):33–36; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.134.33

Medvedev M. V., Donskaya Yu. V.
Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, Dnipro

The objective: to study the efficacy and safety of the use of the Indol-F® dietary supplement in women infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) of a high carcinogenic risk (HCR) with the presence or absence of grade 1 dysplasia.

Materials and methods. In the clinic KU «Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Hospital. I.I. Mechnikov ”was conducted clinical examination of 50 patients infected with HPV HCR, with the presence or absence of dysplasia. After compliance with the inclusion criteria was checked and the absence of exclusion criteria was randomized to two groups of 25 women and Indol-F® was prescribed 2 capsules of 0.4 g 2 times a day or placebo, the course was 6 months (I subgroup – placebo , II subgroup – Indol-F®).

Results. The most impressive result was obtained for viral load of more than 3 Lg / 105. In the І group, there was almost no change, and 8 out of 9 women had the same high level of load as at the beginning of the study. In group II, there was a decrease in the number of women with high viral load by 4 times, which was significantly lower both in comparison with the data before treatment and in comparison with the data after treatment in group I (p <0.05).

Conclusion. Indol-F® dietary supplement can be recommended for use in clinical practice in women with HPV VRC in the epithelium of the cervix with or without mild dysplasia, as well as moderate and severe dysplasia, as part of complex therapy.

Indol-F® dietary supplement can be recommended for use in clinical practice in women with the presence of HPV VCR in the epithelium of the cervix with dysplasia before and after loop excision of the cervix to prevent recurrence of lesions associated with HPV VRC.

Key words: human papillomavirus, high carcinogenic risk, Indol-F®, cervical dysplasia.


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