• Evaluation of the intensity of the pain syndrome in kids with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with clinical presentation of the secondary myopathy 
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Evaluation of the intensity of the pain syndrome in kids with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with clinical presentation of the secondary myopathy 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.6(70):70-73; doi10.15574/SP.2015.70.70 

Evaluation of the intensity of the pain syndrome in kids with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with clinical presentation of the secondary myopathy 

Dudnyk V. M., Bereznyckyi A. V., Vyzhga Y. V.

Vinnitsya national medical university, Ukraine 

The objective. To estimate clinical characteristic of the pain syndrome in kids with signs of the secondary myopathy in case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. 

Patients and methods. Under the control we passed examination of 72 children with JRA that were on the treatment course in Vinnitsya regional children's hospital. The average age of the patients was 11.3 (8.6; 15.2) years. The first group was presented with 43 (68.06±4.16)% patients with JRA with clinical signs of the secondary myopathy. The second group included 29 (40.28±4.16)% patients with JRA without such clinical symptoms. 

Results. Clinical presentation of the joint syndrome in kids with JRA and signs of the secondary myopathy was characterized with persistent variant of the arthralgies (more 29.89±1.59)% and high frequency of the morning stiffness feelings (more 13.63±1.27)%. Pain in kids with signs of the secondary myopathy and JRA was characterized as more intense with intensification during the day (48.83±5.04)% and prevalence of the muscle constriction in the pathogenesis of its origin. For the patients with JRA and clinical signs of the secondary myopathy more common (72.09±3.76)% ІІІ and IV stages of the algometric Ocher's score that influence somatic condition and quality of life in patients. 

Conclusion. Perspective is further investigations of the pathogenetic moments of the secondary myopathy origin in patients with JRA and its correlation with main clinical and laboratory signs of the activity of the process with the aim of modification of the next treatment steps. 

Key words: secondary myopathy, juvenile rheumatoid myopathy. 


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