• Evaluation of microflora of the vagina in women with bacterial vaginosis after treatment to determine its effectiveness 
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Evaluation of microflora of the vagina in women with bacterial vaginosis after treatment to determine its effectiveness 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.1(107):154–159; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.107.154 

Evaluation of microflora of the vagina in women with bacterial vaginosis after treatment to determine its effectiveness 

Tovstanovska V. A., Alatorskyh A. E., Parsal Faranak

A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev 

Objective: evaluation by qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora of the vagina and comparable characteristics of different treatments to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. 

Materials and methods. Using clinical, microscopy, qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction methods for the determination of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic flora of the urogenital tract. 

Results. It proved the importance of determining the composition and quantitative ratio of the vaginal microbiota in bacterial vaginosis (BV) for the selection of personalized therapy. A optimal diagnostic algorithm for optimizing the choice of BV causal treatment. 

Conclusion. According to the results of the survey demonstrated that patients receiving personalized therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of the identified micro-organisms associated with BV and their amounts were stable efficacy of treatment in 97.5% of cases, which indicates the visible personalized therapy advantage over the standard two-step treatment. 

Key words: bacterial vaginosis, microbiocenosis, the effectiveness of treatment. 


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