• Enteroviral exanthem: new clinical features 
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Enteroviral exanthem: new clinical features 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.6(70):43-45; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.70.43 

Enteroviral exanthem: new clinical features 

Usacheva O. V., Klyueva K. S., Firulina O. M., Ivanova I. B.

Zaporizhzhzia State Medical University

KI «Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases» Zaporozhzhia Municipal Council Enteroviral exanthem clinical form of infectious of skin lesions has been spreading widely in Zaporizhzhya region and throughout Ukraine. 

Two-thirds of exanthems that occur in the summer and autumn months are due to enterovirus (ECHO (types 4, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18) and Coxsackie (A–9, A-16, B-3)). Morphologically this rash is characterized by enterovirus considerable variability. 

Purpose. Identification of diagnostic symptoms of enterovirus exanthema based on the investigation of clinical picture in children in Zaporozhzhia region during 2014. 

Patients and methods. Medical records of 31 children who were treated in the Regional Hospital of Infectious Diseases were analyzed. The children vere diagnosed with «enteroviral exanthema» in Zaporozhye during 2014. The children aged 8 months to 18 years old fell into 2 groups according to this sex: boys — 19; girls — 12. 

Rezults and discussion. Analysis of medical documentation showed that the vast majority of children were of young age (up to 3 years old — 24 children; 71.4%). In most patients the disease began acutely and children were admitted to hospital on 2.5±0.9 days in average. The main symptoms were fever and rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature increased mostly in the first days of the course of disease (an average of 38.8±0.7° C) and was intermittent (fever persisted for 2.5±0.9 days). On 1.8±0.9 days of the illness rash appeared on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth in children. Rash was of different sort: in 20 children patches and papules localized mainly on the feet and hands were available, and in 23% (7) phenomenon of polymorphism (papules, vesicles flabby, erosions, crusts) was observed. In 4 patients had hemorrhagic elements localized on the feet; in 4 children (13%) the disease developed without cutaneous manifestations but with the damage to the mucosa of the oropharynx only, that manifested itself in congestion and vesicles on the soft palate, tonsils, gums and mucous membrane. The course of the disease was favorable in all patients. And the children were discharged on day 4.7±1.5 mostly recovery (27 of 31 child). 

Conclusions. 1. Enteroviruses are one of the factors of diseases associated with rash. They are more common in children of 1st — 3rd year of life. 2. A typical manifestation of enterovirus exanthema is spotty-vesicular rash located on the palms, feet and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. 3. Enteroviral exanthema has a favorable course of disease. 

Key words: enteroviral exanthem, children, the clinical picture, diagnostics 


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