• Effiency of primrose syrup phytopreparation in the treatment of acute bronchitis in children
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Effiency of primrose syrup phytopreparation in the treatment of acute bronchitis in children


Effiency of primrose syrup phytopreparation in the treatment of acute bronchitis in children

Marushko Yu. V., Moskovenko E. D., Bryuzgina T. S.

A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine

Published: Sovremennaya pediatriya. 2013. 5.

Objective: a comparative study of the effectiveness of natural and synthetic expectorant preparations in the complex treatment of acute bronchitis in children.

Patients and methods. A total of 75 children aged from 4 to 15 years with clinical manifestations of acute simple bronchitis were under observation. The children of the first group (n=40) in the complex therapy had received Gerbion primrose syrup in the dosage according to the age; the children of the second group (n=35) had received Ambroxol. The patient's condition was evaluated at the time of admission to the hospital and on the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th day of therapy. Efficiency improvement of drainage function of the lung was assessed using the peakflowmetry. Indicators of the fatty acid spectrum were studied in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) by the method of gas&liquid chromatography.

Results. In the both groups has been marked improvement of the general patient's condition on the third day of treatment. Within 10 days of treatment, the elimination of all symptoms of bronchitis occurred in 92.5 % of the children of the first group and 91.7 % in the second one that is indicating about the same high efficiency of study expectorant preparations. The preparation Gerbion primrose syrup well tolerated and side effects are not established.

Conclusions. Gerbion primrose syrup is highly effective and safe expectorant preparation, its effectiveness is not inferior to the synthetic preparation Ambroxol; its positive influence on the fatty acid spectrum of EBC is found.

Key words: acute bronchitis, expectorant preparation, primrose syrup, condensed breath, efficiency.


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