• Effect of treatment and preventive measures on hemostasis and biochemical exchange with preeclampsia on the background iodine deficiency 
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Effect of treatment and preventive measures on hemostasis and biochemical exchange with preeclampsia on the background iodine deficiency 

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA. 2016.2(66):49-51; doi 10.15574/PP.2016.66.49 

Effect of treatment and preventive measures on hemostasis and biochemical exchange with preeclampsia on the background iodine deficiency 

Fedynchuk G. V., Maliar V. A.

Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine 

Purpose — Evaluated in comparative perspective developed preventive measures and basic treatment on the homeostasis and biochemical metabolism in pregnant women with preeclampsia against the backdrop of iodine deficiency. 

Patients and methods. The study in comparative perspective 50 pregnant women with preeclampsia and disorders of the thyroid gland (PSCHZ) against iodine deficiency, which prophylactic measures conducted by our improved method (I group). Comparison group (II group) were 50 pregnant women with preeclampsia and disorders of the thyroid gland against the backdrop of iodine deficiency who received basic therapy according to the clinical protocol. The control group — consisted of 30 somatically healthy pregnant women with normal pregnancy and providing adequate iodine the body (median urinary iodine concentrations >100 mg/l). The survey was conducted in two stages: I stage — was in the selection of representative groups of pregnant women who have had a verified diagnosis of preeclampsia in combination with iodine deficiency; Stage II — Data re-examination of pregnant women in 36–38 weeks gestation period after treatment. 

Results. Sufficient effectiveness proposed to correct a comprehensive approach to include drugs, fish oil, triovitu, aktovegin, aspirin in the normalization of homeostasis, metabolism and liver function. 

Conclusions. Gestational homeostasis in pregnancy on the background disorders of the thyroid gland and iodine deficiency is impaired, requiring a corresponding correction as thyroid function, as homeostasis, metabolism and function of the placenta. 

Key words: preeclampsia, iodine deficiency, hemostasis. 


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