• Effect of smoking on the course of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in adolescents
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Effect of smoking on the course of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in adolescents

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2013.3(55):62–65;doi10.15574/PP.2013.55.62


Effect of smoking on the course of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in adolescents

Bobrova V. I., Vorobienko Yu. I., Pyankova O. V., Nadtochyi N.I., Voronina S. S., Zamula V. V.

A.A. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine

Children's Clinical Hospital № 9, Kiev, Ukraine


Objective. To study the effect of smoking on the course of chronic gastroduodenal pathology (CGDP) in adolescents.


Patients and methods. Under our observation were 136 children in the age of 12–17 years with verified CGDP in the period of exacerbation, which were hospitalized for treatment to the Children's Clinical Hospital № 9 in Kiev. Children were divided into two groups according to the presence of smoking habits: group I — 60 (44.1 4.3%) adolescents who smoke, group II — 76 (55.8 4.3%) patients who do not smoke. All patients have been subjected to verification by general clinical examination. In the first three days spent fibroezofagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS) upper alimentary canal and intragastric pH — metry. In order to detect H. pylori infection was performed serological and histological examination. Serological method was used using immunoassay (ELISA) with determination of IgG antibodies to H. pylori. Visualization of H.pylori was performed by histological method on the microslides of antral bowel biopsy stained by Romanovsky—Giemsa. The extent of H. pylori colonization was determined by the number of pluses (+) by L.I. Aruin, 1998.


Results. It is found that the duration of the disease was higher in patients who smoke, and family history of patients — smokers were observed less frequently than in patients who do not smoke. It is revealed that the HGDP in adults-smokers often been accompanied by a motor-evacuation and secretory functions of the stomach disorders.


Conclusions. Taking into account that the proportion of children-active smokers with HGDP is significant, it is advisable to develop and implement a differentiated treatment of the HGDP in adults?smokers and to step up preventive measures for the prevention of smoking in children and adolescents.


Key words: children, chronic gastroduodenitis, tobacco smoking.




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