• Early diagnosis of osteopenia in newborns having perinatal asphyxia and risk factors of its growth
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Early diagnosis of osteopenia in newborns having perinatal asphyxia and risk factors of its growth

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.5(61):35-38; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.61.35 

Early diagnosis of osteopenia in newborns having perinatal asphyxia and risk factors of its growth

Hajiyeva A. S., Hasanov S. Sh. 
Scientific-Research Pediatrics Institute named after K. Farajova, г. Баку, Азербайджан

The purpose of the research is to determine an early diagnosis of osteopenia in children born prematurely having perinatal asphyxia and risk factors of its growth. 

Material and methods of research: 68 children born prematurely and having perinatal asphyxia were belonged to the research. 20 children born in time were belonged to the control group. Seriousness of the children's condition was determined in early neonatal period according to NEOMOD scale. Examinations were conducted in the 5th–7th and 24th–28th days of the child life. Gestational age of the children fluctuated between 28–37 weeks. Children are divided into 2 groups depending on their gestational ages. 37 children having gestational age between 28–33 weeks were belonged to the 1st group and 31 children having gestational age between 34–37 weeks were belonged to the 2nd group. Concentration of parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin (CT), osteocalcin (OC), alkaline phosphatase (AP) in blood serum was conducted in 5th–7th and 24th–28th days of the child life by using of solid-phase immunoferment analysis.

Results of the research: It was determined that, PTH, increase of the level of calcitonin and hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia was observed in all children, who born prematurely and have CNS lesion untill the end of neonatal period. Low level of osteocalcin and high level of AP may be considered as risk factor of the growth of osteopenia.

Key words: Child born prematurely, CNS, perinatal asphyxiation, osteopenia.

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