• During the first trimester of pregnancy and prenatal screening rates in women with large intervals interhenetycum
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During the first trimester of pregnancy and prenatal screening rates in women with large intervals interhenetycum

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2013.3(55):25–28; doi10.15574/PP.2013.55.25


During the first trimester of pregnancy and prenatal screening rates in women with large intervals interhenetycum

Sorokin A. V., Hominska Z. B., Tumanov L. E., Kolomiyets E. V.

State Institution «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine


The aim of the study was to investigate the characteristics of the clinical course, biochemical indicators of screening in the first trimester of pregnancy with great interhenetycum interval. 


Patients and methods. The study was conducted among 100 pregnant women with high interhenetycum interval between first and second births (main — group I), 100 primigravides age — group II and 100 pregnant women giving birth for the second time with an interval of 3–5 years — the third group. The concentration of PAPP-A and β-HHL determined imunohemilyuminestsentic method. TAP was measured by ultrasound. Pregnant with big interhenetycum interval between first and second births are particularly obstetric group, which has a number of both medical and psychological risks. Specifically, 8% of women of this group in the period 10–12 weeks gestation takes a conscious decision to terminate a pregnancy, citing the decision of medical and socio-economic problems. The course of the first trimester in women of this group is characterized by a large number of complications. In 52% of patients there is a threatened abortion, which in 37% of cases, followed by spotting. Among age primigravides threat level of spontaneous abortion was 36%, 21% of them — with spotting. In the group of women who break between the first and second births was 3–5 years, the threat level of spontaneous abortion was 17%, including 8% with spotting.


The results of biochemical screening in first trimester, pregnant women and groups had distinctly poorer results than representatives of the other two groups of more than 8% of cases occurred RRAR deviation parameters A and β-hCG from the norm, which correlated with clinical manifestations — perinatal loss in first trimester Women in the first group were 8.0% versus 6.0% of the second group and 2.0% in the third. Thus, analyzing the course of the first trimester of pregnancy in women with high interhenetycum intervals shows comparative results of prenatal screening, hormonal parameters, significant research on perinatal infection of pregnant three groups with large interhenetycum interval, age and pregnant primigravides in which the interval between births was 3.5 years. Found that most negative research results and therefore, the clinical picture occurred in the group of women with long intervals between first and second births.


Key words: biochemical screening of pregnant women, human chorionic gonadotropin, placental protein RRAR-A.




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