• Cytological examination of the sedimentary part of saliva in children with disabilities 
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Cytological examination of the sedimentary part of saliva in children with disabilities 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.4(68):132-134; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.68.132 

Cytological examination of the sedimentary part of saliva in children with disabilities 

Gavrilenko M. A.

Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Ukraine 

Objective. To conduct cytological study of the sedimentary part of saliva in children with disabilities accompanied with generalized periodontitis (GP). 

Patients and methods. The study included 54 children in the age from 12 to 18 years who were under the treatment of underlying disease on the base of CI «Zaporizhzhya Regional Children's Hospital.» In the study was investigated unstimulated oral fluid (saliva mixed), which was collected by the way of spitting into a sterile tube at morning. Sedimentary part of saliva was transferred to a sterile glass skim, dried, stained by Romanowsky-Giemsa and viewed under a microscope at 10 fields of view. 

Results. In children with GP in relation to the comparison group (practically healthy periodontal) was found the increasing of the number of leukocytes in average six times and reducing of the number of epithelial cells on average twice. This indicates about the increase of inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal tissues, in spite of the application of the local anti-inflammatory therapy and improvement of hygienic oral care. 

Conclusions. The study of oral liquid should be carried out in dynamics, with a periodicity of 6 and 12 months after the prescribed treatment with the aim of effectiveness of therapy and its correction. 

Key words: children with disabilities, generalized periodontitis, oral fluid. 


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