• Cytogenetic characteristics of men sperm from couples with recurrent miscarriage 
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Cytogenetic characteristics of men sperm from couples with recurrent miscarriage 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2015.6(102):175–177 

Cytogenetic characteristics of men sperm from couples with recurrent miscarriage 

Dubinina V. G., Nosenko O. M., Golovatyuk K. P.

Odessa national medical University

Medical center reproductive health "Gameta", Odessa 

The article describes the results of cytogenetic study of the aneuploidies level and nature in men from couples with recurrent miscarriage. It is shown that these men characterized by the presence of 48.75% of patozoospermia signs; significantly greater percentage of the number of sperm aneuploidies within the sex chromosomes in 6.57 times, 18 chromosomes – in 13.00 times and chromosomes 13/21 – in 4.50 times; even in the presence of increased number of aneuploidies in 41.18% patients with normal semen viscosity and sperm motility; a higher percentage of sperm aneuploidy sex chromosomes in the presence of abnormal viscosity/mobility than men with normal levels of viscosity/mobility in 1.49 times. 

Key words: recurrent miscarriage, male, sperm, fluorescent hybridization in situ, chromosome, aneuploidy. 


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