• Coronaritis in childhood: analysis of the problem and autopsy case report 
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Coronaritis in childhood: analysis of the problem and autopsy case report 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.6(70):66-69; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.70.66 

Coronaritis in childhood: analysis of the problem and autopsy case report 

Boiko O. I., Kuzyk Y. I., Hoshovska I. I., Babych R. O.

PI LRC «Lviv Regional Department of Morbid Anatomy», Ukraine

Danylo Halytskyi Lvіv National Medical University, Ukraine 

This article presents the autopsy case of coronaritis in a five1years1old boy with renal hypoplasia and clinical manifestations of acute myocardial infarction. The identity of coronaritis is difficult to verify because of the lack of clinical informations on the beginning and the progression of the disease. Pathomorphological changes of the coronary arteries are likely to be identified as coronaritis caused by Kawasaki disease. 

Key words: coronaritis, hypoplastic kidneys, Kawasaki disease. 


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