• Condition of mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation function in women with a large intergenetic interval
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Condition of mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation function in women with a large intergenetic interval

PERINATOLOGY AND PEDIATRIC. UKRAINE. 2018.2(74):26-30; doi 10.15574/PP.2018.74.26

Tumanova L. E., Kolomiets O. V., Bazyuk N. P., Demenina N. K., Gridinа T. I.
SI «Lukyanova Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

Purpose — to study the condition of the mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation in women with a high intergenetic interval.
Patients and methods. The study was conducted in three groups: I group — the main (50 women), who gave birth repeatedly after 10 years or more (a large intergenetic interval); 20 pregnant women who were born for the first time at the age of more than 30 years (age-old first-born) — ІІ group; 20 pregnant women who gave birth repeatedly in 3–5 years (optimal intergenetic interval) were ІІІ groups. All women during pregnancy conducted a palpation and ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. An interview method was used to evaluate the lactation function.
Results. In the ultrasound examination and palpation of the mammary glands, 20 (40%) pregnant women in Group I found a pathology of the mammary glands, of which in 10 pregnant women (20%) found fibro-cystic mastopathy with the advantage of the fibrous component, in 4 (8%) patients, fibroadenoma was detected mammary gland, and in 6 (12%) signs of fibro-cystic mastopathy with an advantage of the cystic component. In the 2nd group, 18 (90%) women did not have breast pathology, 2 (10%) identified signs of fibrous-cystic mastopathy with an advantage of the cystic component. In all pregnancies of the III group, mammary gland pathology was not detected by visual, palpation and ultrasound examination. In the I group, only 8 (16.0%) women fed their children for more than a year, while in the group with the optimal intergenetic interval breastfeeding more than a year had 10 (50%) mothers. Among women who gave birth for the first time at the age of 30 years, this figure was 6 (30.0%) and was almost 2 times higher than the same indicator in the main group.
Conclusions. In 40% of women with a large intergenetic interval, various forms of mastopathy were detected. In pregnant women, in which the interval between births was 3–5 years, the pathology of the mammary glands was not detected. In the 10% of primary age, only fibro-cystic mastopathy was observed. Lactational function was also lower in women with a high intergenetic interval and in age-old primiparas. The assessment of the mammary glands in women with a high intergenetic interval and primary infant is an integral part of supervision at the stage of pregnancy delivery for the timely application of measures to improve lactation function in the postpartum period.
Key words: large and optimal intergenetic interval, first-year-olds, mammary glands, lactation.


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