• Comprehensive treatment of endometrial hyperplasia for women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome 
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Comprehensive treatment of endometrial hyperplasia for women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.4(110):124–127; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.110.124 

Comprehensive treatment of endometrial hyperplasia for women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome 

Shcherbyna M. O., Tkachova O. V., Shcherbyna I. M., Lypko O. P., Kapustnyk N. V.

Kharkiv national medical University 

The objective: сlinical and laboratory estimation of efficiency of combined use of drugs indole-3-carbinol and groups biguanide (metformin), as well as the optimization of medical therapy in women with endometrial hyperplastic processes of reproductive age because of the frequent recurrence and progression of this disease.

Patients and methods. The study involved 34 women with metabolic syndrome and HPE in the reproductive age. At baseline and after treatment the following studies were performed: assessment of anthropometric parameters (body weight, IMT, kg/m2), blood lipid profile, the definition of fasting glucose and glucose tolerance test, C-peptide, as well as hormone levels and an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs . All patients were administered a combination of drugs indole-3-carbinol (200 mg, 2 times daily) and metformin (500 mg, 2 times a day) for three months.

Results. The clinical efficiency of drug combinations indole-3-carbinol and metformin was 91.14%, there were no complications or side effects. There was a correction of metabolic disorders, which exhibit improved lipid profile parameters, as well as a significant reduction in atherogenic index factor with 3.8±1.36 to 1.8±0.3 (p<0.05). What has led to positive changes in the hormonal profile, testosterone normalization and a significant decrease in estradiol.

Conclusion. The combined use of indole 3 carbinole and metformin in the treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes in women of reproductive age with metabolic syndrome is effective, pathogenetically justified and can act as an alternative to traditional hormone therapy, thereby can reduce the frequency of relapse and progression of this disease.

Key words: metabolic syndrome, endometrial hyperplastic processes, diagnostics, treatment.


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