• Comparative еvaluation of drug use effectiveness in the therapy of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of mild to moderate degrees associated with genital papillomavirus infection
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Comparative еvaluation of drug use effectiveness in the therapy of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of mild to moderate degrees associated with genital papillomavirus infection

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.1(137):48–54; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.137.48Kaminskiy V. V., Sukhanova A. A., Shalko M. N., Sumenko

V. V., Lavrenjuk Y. V.
National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev
Kiev city center of reproductive and perinatal medicine

The results of the evaluation of clinical efficacy include the use of combination therapy with a herbal preparation of direct antiviral and immunomodulatory in the form of suppositories and drops for oral use in the treatment of mild and moderate degrees of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which in turn are due to genital papillomaviral infection.

The objective: to compare the effectiveness of treatment with CIN I – II, caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), when Proteflazid® is used in the form of monotherapy systemically, locally and simultaneously systemically and locally.

Materials and methods. The study involved 90 women of reproductive age with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix of varying degrees (CIN I – II), due to PVI. All patients underwent examination and treatment at the Kiev City Center for Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine (CMRCC) and were divided into three groups.

Group I included 30 (33.33%) patients treated with Proteflazid® in the form of drops according to the following scheme: 15 drops 2 times a day for 3 months – without interruption.

Group II included 30 (33.33%) women who received topical treatment with the use of Proteflazid® suppositories according to the following scheme: 1 suppository 2 times a day for 14 days of each month during the intermenstrual period; course – 3 months Treatment was started immediately after menstruation. At the time of menstruation did a break in treatment.

Group III consisted of 30 (33.3%) surveyed women who received both suppositories of Proteflazid® — 1 suppository twice a day for 14 days; course – 3 months (monthly for 14 days per intermenstrual period), and at the same time prescribed a drop form of the drug Proteflazid® according to the scheme: 15 drops 2 times a day for 3 months – without a break.

Considering that the process of passing one infected cell from the basal layer to the superficial can last up to 3 months, we chose a long-term treatment – a three-month course in order to eliminate the virus and prevent the recurrence of PVI.

Results. Systemic use of the drug Proteflazid® drops (per os) in the treatment of mild to moderate neoplasia leads to improvement of the cervical epithelium in 60% of cases and eradication of HPV in 73.3% of patients.

Local application of the drug Proteflazid® suppositories with CIN I – II normalizes the cytological picture or leads to the transition of CIN II to CIN I in 63.3% of women; HPV DNA after treatment was not detected in 76.7% of cases.

Simultaneous local and systemic use of Proteflazid® suppositories and Proteflazid® drops for 3 months in the treatment of CIN I, CIN II, associated with PVI, led to regression of CIN I to normal and CIN I in CIN I in 83.3% of patients; HPV DNA after treatment was not detected in 90.0% of cases.

Conclusion. Proteflazid® can be recommended for use in practice as a safe and effective drug for treating patients with CIN I and CIN II due to PVI in the form of monotherapy, especially in the simultaneous systemic and local application of Proteflazid® (suppositories + drops), which will provide a high therapeutic efficiency.

Key words: dysplasia, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, papillomavirus infection, immunomodulatory therapy, antiviral therapy.


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