• Comparative analysis of the pregnancy, labour and condition of newborn twins with monochorionic type of placentation
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Comparative analysis of the pregnancy, labour and condition of newborn twins with monochorionic type of placentation

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.4(140): 46–49; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.140.46

Tkachenko A. V.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev

The objective: to analyze the peculiarities of pregnancy, labour and condition of newborn twins with monochorionic type of placentation.
Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of pregnancy, labour and perinatal consequences in 110 cases in monochorionic twins pregnancies (MT) was conducted. The I group consisted of 92 patients who did have obstetric complications specific for multiple pregnancy during pregnancy; in group II 18 pregnant women with specific complications during multiple pregnancy were included. Additionaly, ultrasound fetometry, placentalography, doplerometry, cardiotocography were used.
Results. Pregnancy with monochorionic twins is a risk factor for the development of pregnancy complications, and specific complications due to this type of placentation are extremely unfavorable in relation to perinatal outcomes. Even with pathogenetic treatment, there is a high risk of pregnancy loss, premature birth, and the development of pathology in newborns.
Analysis of perinatal outcomes showed that in the absence of specific complications of MC type of placentation in 49.0% cases normotrophic children were born, according exceeds the percentage of patients whose children were born with hypotrophy varying severity – 51.0% respectively.
In both subgroups pregnancies were characterized by high risk of abortion (61.4% and 67.1% respectively), preeclampsia various severity in 33.3% and 44.6%, gestational anemia in 43.4%, and 39.8%, premature birth, which occurred in 66.7% and 46.8% respectively. This explains the high incidence of operative delivery 44.4% and 52.1% respectively, while the incidence of planned abdominal delivery in subgroup 1b was 3.3 times higher than in subgroup 1a.
Perinatal loss in patients with MC twins in subgroups were 4.4% and 5.3% respectively.
Conclusion. Pregnancy and delivery of monochorionic twins with specific complications has a higher risk for fetus and newborn, which lead to higher rates of perinatal mortality and morbidity in this group of infants. So searching for effective methods of prevention and treatment of these complications is required. The results should be considered during making algorithm of diagnostic and preventive measures in multiple pregnancies.
Key words: monochorionic twins, labour, perinatal consequences.


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