• Clinical-endoscopic characteristic of chronic gastroduodenitis in adolescents with chronic candidiasis of digestive tract
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Clinical-endoscopic characteristic of chronic gastroduodenitis in adolescents with chronic candidiasis of digestive tract

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2018.2(90):52-58; doi 10.15574/SP.2018.90.52

Nekhaienko  M.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine

The problem of early diagnosis, identification of the key aspects of pathogenesis and cure of chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) in adolescents is relevant across the globe due to a significant prevalence of the disease, its connection with a number of infectious agents, tropic to the mucosa of the digestive tract, recurrent, progredient course, insufficient efficacy of conventional treatment methods and serious probability of further socially significant pathology and disability in adults.
Objective: to study the features of clinical course and endoscopic changes in adolescents with CGD secondary to chronic candidiasis (CC) of the digestive tract.
Material and methods. In total 164 adolescents with CGD were examined, out of them 22 patients had an association with helicobacteriosis, 78 children were also affected by CC of the digestive tract, 32 had a candido-helicobacteriosis and 32 children had no association with other infectious agents. Results. In adolescents with CGD, in the case of infection contamination with microorganisms that are tropic to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, such as Helicobacter pylori (H.р.) and C. albicans, destructive, widespread lesions, including the multiple erosions in combination with hyperplastic changes in the gastric mucosa and duodenum, the rate of which correlates with an increase in the duration of CGD and does not depend on H.p.
Conclusions. The role of not only H.p., but also other microorganisms, in the development and progression of CGD in adolescents has been established that is the basis for the development of differentiated pathogenetic therapy of the disease.
Key words: adolescents, chronic gastroduodenitis, helicobacteriosis, chronic candidiasis, clinical manifestations, endoscopic changes.


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