• Clinical and immunological features of acute respiratory infections in infants infected with cytomegalovirus 
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Clinical and immunological features of acute respiratory infections in infants infected with cytomegalovirus 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.1(57):87-91; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.57.87 

Clinical and immunological features of acute respiratory infections in infants infected with cytomegalovirus 

Boyarskaya L. N., Usacheva E. V., Gerasimchuk T. S., Silina E. A., Paholchuk T. N., Konakova O. V., Slipko V. A., Turlyun V. A.

Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Ukraine

City Children's Multidisciplinary Hospital № 5, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine 

Objective. To study the characteristics of the course of acute respiratory infections in infants infected with cytomegalovirus and features of the immune response of patients who are prone to recurrent respiratory infections. 

Patients and methods. The clinical and laboratory examination of 103 children in the age from 1 to 3 years hospitalized with respiratory diseases is conducted. In the group of children with recurrent respiratory infections (RRI) were underlined two subgroups, 2a – infected with CMV and subgroup 2b – not infected with CMV. Investigation of immunity condition was conducted during the early recovery by conventional methods. 

Results. In the setting of CMV infection was observed imbalance in cellular and humoral components of immunity with activation of CD4 cells and the increase in the number of B-lymphocytes and also inadequate decline in the level of IgG, A, M. The presence of RRI in infants in the setting of CMV infection was marked by a more frequent and prolonged episodes of diseases. Reduction of the level of blood ferritin and the tendency to eosinophils and the increase of IgE infected by CMV children indicates the predominance of inflammatory responses of an allergic nature in these patients. 

Conclusions. One of the factors of recurrent respiratory infections flow in infants is an infection with cytomegalovirus. Establishing of clinical and immunological features in children of this group may indicate on depletion of the immune system against the persistent CMV. 

Key words: acute respiratory infection, infants, cytomegalovirus infection, immunity. 


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