• Clinical and experimental study of role of heavy metals in development of nephropathy in children 
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Clinical and experimental study of role of heavy metals in development of nephropathy in children 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2016.4(76):105-108; doi10.15574/SP.2016.76.105 

Clinical and experimental study of role of heavy metals in development of nephropathy in children 

Gorbach T., Makeyeva N., Golovachova V., Otchik A.

Kharkovskiy National Medical University, Ukraine 

The aim of the study: assess the role of heavy metals in the mechanisms of nephropathy development in children on the base of clinical and experimental study.

Materials and methods. The ecological situation was studied in the region based on aeroecological factors. Ninety-four children with nephropathy, who were residing in regions with different levels of environmental pollution, were examined. Determination of copper and zinc in blood serum of children was performed by atomic adsorption spectrophotometry. The experimental part of the work was carried out on 2 months-old rats which received CuCl2 solution for 1 month daily. Lipid spectrum was studied in membranes of renal subcellular fractions by thin layer chromatographic. A morphological study of the kidneys of rats was performed.

Results of the study showed the reduced blood zinc level and elevated blood cooper level in children with nephropathies from ecologically «polluted» regions compared to children from the «clean» regions of the city that indicative of development of ecology related nephropathies. The experimental part of the work showed, that the accumulation of copper in the kidneys led to changes in structure and properties of membranes subcellular fractions and, as the result, to kidney's disturbance. Conclusion: the increased content of copper in the body is a risk factor for development of kidney disease in children.


Key words: nephropathy, copper, children, rats, membrane lipids.


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