• Clinical and diagnostic features of herpes infections in HIV-infected pregnant women
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Clinical and diagnostic features of herpes infections in HIV-infected pregnant women

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.7(113):159–162 

Clinical and diagnostic features of herpes infections in HIV-infected pregnant women

Kaminskiy V. V., Sumenko V. V., Anoshina T. M., Kolomiychenko T. V.

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education P. L. Shupyk, Kiev

The objective: to establish clinical and diagnostic features of herpes infections in HIV-infected pregnant women.

Patients and methods. According to the study of specific IgM, IgG and IgG avidity established activity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 in 24 of the 50 infected women (8 primary infection, 16 – reactivation process). In 18 women observed a typical clinical picture of genital herpes (6 – in the primary infection and 12 – for reactivation). In 10 women celebrated the first clinical episode. HSV-2 diagnosis was based on identified changes genitals using colposcopic and cytological methods.

Results. In HIV-infected pregnant women have severe manifestations of the clinical course of genital herpes, which was accompanied by a characteristic colposkopic picture (an inflammatory background, herpes blisters, ulcers, erosion, hyperemia, marked edema, serous-inflammatory discharge, many vessels, severe reaction to acetic acid , rough terrain with epithelial mikropapillary needle-like outgrowths of the connective tissue). The expediency of rapid diagnostics (Tzanck sample, Schiller test). There were specific for HSV cytologic appearance: the nucleus of epithelial cells increased size, have the form of hour-glass, multi-cell, muddy unstructured chromatin. In 40.0% of patients were identified Cowdry inclusions. In 40.0% of HIV-infected patients revealed a tendency to recurrence of HSV.

Conclusion. In HIV-infected pregnant women need early diagnosis (using rapid tests) and adequate timely treatment of HSV infection for the prevention of perinatal and obstetric complications, intrauterine infection.

Key words: HIV, herpes, pregnancy, colposcopy, cytology, clinical, diagnostics.


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