• Chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice (Review)
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Chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice (Review)

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.6(112):12–18 

Chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice (Review) 

Shurpyak S. A.

Lviv national medical University named Danylo Galitsky

In the article there are the lighted up questions of terminology, classification, diagnostics and treatment of syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. The features of diagnostics and differentiation process are considered in relation to the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain in gynecological practice. An accent is done, that treatment of chronic pelvic pain is fully determined a verification of basic disease, if it be impossible to find out primary cause (idiopathic genesis of chronic pelvic pain), symptomatic therapy is conducted.


Key words: chronic pelvic pain, pelvic venocongestion, genital endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, pelvic inflammatory diseases.


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