• Certain important aspects of the prevention of pathologies of labor activity in obstetric practice (Сlinical lecture)
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Certain important aspects of the prevention of pathologies of labor activity in obstetric practice (Сlinical lecture)

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2016.10(116):11–18; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.116.11

Certain important aspects of the prevention of pathologies of labor activity in obstetric practice (Сlinical lecture)

Nazarenko L., Dubrova L., Tarusмna O.

Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education

MEHP «Kharkov city clinical maternity hospital №6»

The question of the prevention of pathologies of the labor is currently very important, the answer to them has become the favored formation of «dominants of delivery», choice of the optimal time to delivery, effective and safe method of induction, that promotes the promptness of the female organism and ripening of the cervix, as well as the timely identification and correction of pathological prelмmмnary period. In a review article describes the modern approaches and methods of preventing the pathology of labor activity, presented by the authors ‘ own experience regarding the use of prostaglandins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, individual approach to the management of perinatal risk.

Key words: childbirth, prevention, induction, prostaglandin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


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