• Breast milk oligosaccharides: the history of discovery, structure and protective functions
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Breast milk oligosaccharides: the history of discovery, structure and protective functions

Makarova E. G., Netrebenko O. K., Ukraintsev S. E.
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
DOI 10.24110/0031-403X-2018-97-4-152-160

Published: Pediatria. — 2018. — Vol. 97, No. 4. — P. 152–160.

The article provides a literature review on breast milk oligosaccharides (BMO). According to modern data, BMO have important protective properties: they prevent the adhesion of pathogens and toxins, reduce the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, improve the intestinal wall integrity. An important factor of protection is the immunomodulatory effect of BMO, which is performed through the connection of BMO with receptors — lectins. The article presents data on association of galectins with BMO mechanisms, and the action of galectins on the state of immune cells an functions.

Key words: breast milk, oligosaccharides, structure, protective functions, intestinal microbiota, different kinds of infants feeding.

Quote: E.G. Makarova, O.K. Netrebenko, S.E. Ukraintsev. Breast milk oligosaccharides: the history of discovery, structure and protective functions. Pediatria. 2018; 97 (4): 152–160.


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