• Aspects of reproductive health in women with small and large for gestational age birth weight
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Aspects of reproductive health in women with small and large for gestational age birth weight

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.10(116):53–55; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.116.53 

Aspects of reproductive health in women with small and large for gestational age birth weight

Nestertsova N. S., Nazarenko L. G.

Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education

The clinical «Kharkov city clinical maternity hospital № 6»

The aim of the research was to determine the characteristics of menstrual function and the spectrum of disorders of reproductive health among women born with low weight and overweight.

Materials and methods. The study included 122 healthy women of reproductive age, the city dwellers of the Eastern Ukraine, 53 (group I) of them were born weighing 2500 g or less, and 69 (group II) with body weight of 4000 g or more. To achieve this purpose conducted an anonymous survey and personal interviews.

Were estimated characteristics of the formation of the menstrual function, its characteristics, the frequency of violation of menstrual cycle and the spectrum of pathology that requires medical, surgical or minimally invasive intervention.

Results. This study determined the relationship of family history, perinatal development, the formation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function in women with various deviations of body weight at birth. There was stated the relationship between weight at birth and fertility in the future. Were updated perinatal risk factors for female infertility. Were discovered the relationship between the deviation from normal body weight at birth and increased frequency of gynecological pathology, which require surgical or minimally invasive treatment, trigger factors for hormonal-metabolic disorders in the population of Eastern women. It was determined the necessity of a differentiated approach to medical care of women with different variants of the deviations of weight growth indicators at birth.

Conclusion. Thus, the obtained data about the delay in sexual development and later about the high incidence of infertility in women who are born with low body weight are in agreement with the literature data, reflecting the parallelism of woman's ability to conceive, weight and growth parameters at birth.

Key words: low birth weight, large for gestational age fetus, gynecological pathology, infertility.


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