• Analysis of risk factors for different types of anesthetic support of newborns and infants with surgical pathology
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Analysis of risk factors for different types of anesthetic support of newborns and infants with surgical pathology

Ukrainian Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics. 2020. 4(84): 28-34; doi 10.15574/PP.2020.84.28
Snisar V. I.1, Vlasov O. O.2, Makedonskyy I. A.3
1SI «Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine», Dnipro
2KP «Dnepropetrovsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital» DOS», Dnipro, Ukraine
3KP «Dnepropetrovsk Specialized Clinical Medical Center for Mother and Child named after Professor N.F. Rudnev «DOS», Dnipro, Ukraine

For citation: Snisar VI, Vlasov OO, Makedonskyy IA. (2020). Analysis of risk factors for different types of anesthetic support of newborns and infants with surgical pathology. Ukrainian Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics. 4(84): 2834. doi 10.15574/PP.2020.84.28
Article received: Aug 13, 2020. Accepted for publication: Dec 07, 2020.

High-quality anesthetic support during surgical correction of congenital malformations of internal organs and the postoperative period in newborns and infants is complicated by concomitant diseases, significantly affects the processes of metabolism, gas exchange, homeostasis, cerebral, peripheral hemodynamics, etc. before, during and after the surgical intervention.
Purpose — to identify the leading risk factors associated with death in various types of anesthetic support for newborns and infants during surgical correction of congenital malformations.
Materials and methods. The retrospective study included newborns with congenital malformations of the surgical profile, as well as infants who received and continued stepwise surgical treatment for congenital malformations, depending on the chosen combined anesthetic accompaniment (inhalation + regional anesthesia and inhalation + intravenous anesthesia). The study was carried out in the following stages: 1) to conduct surgical treatment and anesthetic support, 2) introduction of the child into anesthesia, 3) the traumatic stage of the operation, 4) within 1 hour after the operation, 5) 24 hours after the operation. Risk factors were determined by simple logistic regression with the calculation of the odds ratio, 95% confidence interval (95% CI).
Results. Among the functional indicators of the vital functions of the body of children with congenital disorders before, during, immediately and 24 hours after surgery against the background of combined anesthesia, with a simple logistic regression analysis, the chance of a fatal case increases with deviations from the norm of peripheral saturation — at all stages of surgical support (7.8–15.0 times); cerebral oxygenation of the child — at the moments of induction into anesthesia and in the postoperative period (10.8 at the stage 2, 72.0 times at the stage 4); increased diastolic blood pressure at the stage of induction of the child into anesthesia (1.6 times).
Conclusions. To prevent the chances of death under various types of anesthesia for children with congenital malformations during surgical treatment, it is advisable to more closely monitor blood pressure, cerebral, peripheral oximetry and promptly correct the impaired condition of the child.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of these Institutes. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
Key words: newborns, infants, congenital malformations, anesthesia, risk factors.


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