• An intestinal colics among infants of the different types of lactase deficiency, the diagnosis and correction features
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An intestinal colics among infants of the different types of lactase deficiency, the diagnosis and correction features

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.6(62):102-107; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.62.102

An intestinal colics among infants of the different types of lactase deficiency, the diagnosis and correction features

Shadrin A. G., Khomutovskaya K. O. 
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev, Ukraine

Purpose: to study the effectiveness of the substitution treatment in an enzyme therapy study of the infant colics caused by lactase deficiency (LD).

Patients and methods: there were under observation 40 children at the age up to four months with an infant intestinal colic and manifestations of LD. The diagnosis is confirmed by LD genetic study in lien with respiratory test with a load of lactose. All children receive a dietary supplement of lactase («Mamalak»).

Results: it was established that 62.0% of children suffering from an intestinal colic, have manifestations of LD. On the background of the substitution enzyme therapy, 16 children with congenital LD had the decreasing and the subsequent disappearance of the symptoms. Children with transient LD awarded best dynamics of treatment compared with the first group. It was proved the clinical efficacy and the tolerability of a dietary supplement «Mamalak».

Conclusions: children with the congenital LD more sensitive to the absence of the substitution enzyme therapy and require the regular enzyme production during the entire period of breastfeeding or infant nutrition. The lack of adequate treatment leads to the development of an enterocolitis and the disorders of the intestinal microflora. Children with the transient LD required the treatment of the underlying disease, and the substitution enzyme therapy can be used on recovery time of its own enzyme systems in the intestine. An early initiation of the substitution enzyme therapy among children with different forms of LD increases an effectiveness of the treatment.

Key words: an infant children, an intestinal colic, lactase deficiency, enzyme therapy

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