• Algorithm of treatment of infants with Cytomegalovirus: clinical and pathogenetic substantiation 
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Algorithm of treatment of infants with Cytomegalovirus: clinical and pathogenetic substantiation 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.1(57):68-74; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.57.68 

Algorithm of treatment of infants with Cytomegalovirus: clinical and pathogenetic substantiation 

Usachova E. V.

Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Ukraine 

Objective. To develop an algorithm of treatment of infants with Cytomegalovirus on the base of in1depth analysis of clinical and immunological data received in dynamic of observation patients. 

Patients and methods. A total of 87 infants were under observation. All children had passed specific immunologic blood analysis by enzyme immunoassay and determination of the presence of CMV DNA in biomaterials (urine, blood) using the polymerase chain reaction; ultrasound (NSG, Echo-Er, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs) and additional studies of blood serum. Also was estimated the efficacy of specific immunotherapy by anti1 CMV immunoglobulin. For processing of the results of the study together with conventional statistical methods was used multivariate discriminate analysis. 

Results. According to the data of the study intrauterine infection was found in 38 children and postnatal — in 49. Most informative symptoms during the determination of the period of CMV infection (prenatal or postnatal) were: children's age at which became a necessity of observation, the presence of long-term moderate or severe jaundice, neurosonographic signs of organic brain damages, low birth weight, data on reported cases of respiratory disease in the mother during the pregnancy and severe neurological symptoms in a child in the neonatal period. It is found that in infant with a proven CMV infection in the postnatal period the indication for order of anti1 CMV immunoglobulin is a low content of specific antibodies. In the case of intrauterine infection the order of specific immunotherapy is advisable at any anti- CMV IgG level in the blood of infants. 

Conclusions. The result of the study was to create an algorithm of treatment of children with CMVI, the use of which allows timely suspect and diagnose prenatal or early postnatal CMVI in infant and to find treatment strategy. 

Key words: fetal and early postnatal cytomegalovirus infection, infant, diagnosis and treatment. 


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