• Algorithm diagnosis of benign uterine disease, based on immunohistochemical analysis 
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Algorithm diagnosis of benign uterine disease, based on immunohistochemical analysis 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.1(107):50–52 

Algorithm diagnosis of benign uterine disease, based on immunohistochemical analysis 

Makarenko M. V., Govseev D. A., Gridchin S. V., Vorona R. M.

Kyiv maternity hospital № 5 

This article deals with the diagnosis of benign uterine diseases by immunohistochemistry.

Purpose of the research. Generate diagnostic algorithm for benign diseases of the uterus based hysteroscopic biopsy followed by immunohistochemical examination of biopsies 

Materials and methods. A study was conducted on 31 patients of reproductive age and postmenopausal aged 26 to 70 years. Under the proposed diagnostic algorithm performed hysteroscopic biopsy followed by immunohistochemical examination of biopsies. All women included in the study, according to the US had a suspicion of benign diseases of the uterus. According to the immunochemical study of the expression of estrogen and progesterone for convenience in practice main groups were divided into 3 groups according to the alternative principle. 

The research results. In a group of 31 women in the 12 cases diagnosed hyperplasia endometrium in 11 cases of endometrial polyp, 4 cases of uterine leiomyoma, chronic endometritis was found in two patients, one case of adenomyosis and one case of endometrial atrophy. 

The conclusions. We have formed a proprietary algorithm of diagnostic search benign diseases of the uterus based on immunohistochemistry of biopsy specimens taken during hysteroscopy. 

Key words: immunohistochemical studies, hysteroscopy, the level of estrogen and progesterone receptors in the endometrium. 


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