• Частота и последствия разрыва матки у женщин с кесаревым сечением в анамнезе: исследование ВОЗ по охране здоровья матерей и новорожденных в различных странах
ru К содержанию

Частота и последствия разрыва матки у женщин с кесаревым сечением в анамнезе: исследование ВОЗ по охране здоровья матерей и новорожденных в различных странах

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.2(118):149–155

Kenichiro Motomura, Togoobaatar Ganchimeg, Chie Nagata, Erika Ota, Joshua P.Vogel,Ana Pilar Betran, Maria Regina Torloni, Kapila Jayaratne, Seung Chik Jwa, Suneeta Mittal, Zenaida Dy Recidoro, Kenji Matsumoto, Mikiya Fujieda, Idi Nafiou, Khalid Yunis, Zahida Qureshi, Joao Paulo Souza & Rintaro Mori
http://www.nature.com/articles/srep44093 АдаптированоС.А. Шурпяк

1. Vogel J.P. et al. (2015). Use of the Robson classi cation to assess caesarean section trends in 21 countries: a secondary analysis of two WHO multicountry surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 3, e260–270, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(15)70094-X.

2. Betran A.P. et al. e increasing trend in caesarean section rates: global, regional and national estimates: 1990–2014. PLoS One. 11, e0148343, doi: 10.1371/journal. pone. 0148343 (2016).

3. Kennare R., Tucker G., Heard A. & Chan A. Risks of adverse outcomes in the next birth a er a rst cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 109, 270–276, doi: 10. 1097/ 01. AOG. 0000250469. 23047. 73 (2007).

4. Lydon-Rochelle, M., Holt, V. L., Easterling, T. R. & Martin, D. P. Risk of uterine rupture during labor among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N. Engl. J. Med. 345, 3–8, doi: 10. 1056/ nejm 200107053450101 (2001).

5. Spong, C. Y. et al. Risk of uterine rupture and adverse perinatal outcome at term a er cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 110, 801–807, doi: 10. 1097/ 01. AOG.0000284622.71222.b2 (2007).

6. Al-Zirqi, I., Stray-Pedersen, B., Forsen, L. &Vangen, S. Uterine rupture a er previous caesarean section. BJOG. 117, 809–820, doi: 10. 1111/j. 1471-0528. 2010.02533.x (2010).

7. Halperin, M. E., Moore, D. C. & Hannah, W. J. (1988). Classical versus low-segment transverse incision for preterm caesarean section: maternal complications and outcome of subsequent pregnancies. BJOG. 95, 990–996, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0528.1988.tb06502.x.

8. Smith, D., Stringer, E., Vladutiu, C. J., Zink, A. H. & Strauss, R. Risk of uterine rupture among women attempting vaginal birth a er cesarean with an unknown uterine scar. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., doi: 10.1016/ j. ajog. 2015. 01. 056 (2015).

9. Kayani, S. I. & Al revic, Z. Uterine rupture a er induction of labour in women with previous caesarean section. BJOG. 112, 451–455, doi: 10. 1111/ j. 1471-0528. 2004. 00336.x (2005).

10. Kaczmarczyk, M., Sparen, P., Terry, P. &Cnattingius, S. Risk factors for uterine rupture and neonatal consequences of uterine rupture: a population-based study of successive pregnancies in Sweden. BJOG. 114, 1208–1214, doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0528. 2007.01484.x (2007).

11. Lannon, S. M., Guthrie, K. A., Vanderhoeven, J. P. &Gammill, H. S. Uterine rupture risk a erperiviable cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 125, 1095–1100, doi: 10. 1097/ AOG. 0000000000000832 (2015).

12. Ronel, D., Wiznitzer, A., Sergienko, R., Zlotnik, A. &Sheiner, E. (2012). Trends, risk factors and pregnancy outcome in women with uterine rupture. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. 285, 317–321, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00404-011-1977-8.

13. Ofir, K., Sheiner, E., Levy, A., Katz, M. &Mazor, M. Uterine rupture: risk factors and pregnancy outcome. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 189, 1042–1046 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1067/S0002-9378(03)01052-4

14. Hofmeyr G.J., Say L. &Gulmezoglu, A. M. WHO systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity: the prevalence of uterine rupture. BJOG. 112, 1221–1228, doi: 10. 1111/j. 1471-0528. 2005.00725.x (2005).

15. Ahmed S.M. & Daalla S.E. Incidence of uterine rupture in a Teaching Hospital, Sudan. Saudi Med. J. 22, 757–761 (2001).

16. Eze J.N. &Ibekwe P.C. Uterine rupture at a secondary hospital in A kpo, Southeast Nigeria. Singapore Med J. 51, 506–511 (2010).

17. Ohonsi A.O. & RA. (2011). Risk factors for ruptured uterus in a developing country. Gynecology & Obstetrics. 01, https://doi.org/10.4172/2161-0932.1000102.

18. Berhe Y. & Wall L.L. (2015). Uterine rupture in resource-poor countries. Obstet. Gynecol. Surv. 69, 695–707, doi: 10.1097/ OGX. 0000000000000123 (2014).

19. Singh A. &Shrivastava, C. Uterine rupture: still a harsh reality! J. Obstet. Gynaecol. India. 65, 158–161, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13224-014-0551-2

20. Souza J.P. et al. (2011). The world health organization multicountry survey on maternal and newborn health: study protocol. BMC Health Serv. Res. 11, 286, https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-11-286

21. Souza J.P. et al. (2013). Moving beyond essential interventions for reduction of maternal mortality (the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health): a cross-sectional study. Lancet. 381, 1747–1755, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60686-8

22. Vogel J.P. et al. Maternal complications and perinatal mortality: ndings of the World Health Organization Multicountry Survey ?on Maternal and Newborn Health. BJOG. 121 Suppl 1, 76–88, doi: 10.1111/1471-0528. 12633 (2014).

23. Souza J.P. et al. e WHO maternal near-miss approach and the maternal severity index model (MSI): tools for assessing the management of severe maternal morbidity. PLoS One. 7, e44129, doi: 10.1371/ journal. pone. 0044129 (2012).

24. United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report 2013 http: //hdr. undp. org/ sites/ default/ les/ reports/14/ hdr 2013_ en_complete.pdf (2013).

25. Fitzpatrick K.E. et al. (2012). Uterine rupture by intended mode of delivery in the UK: a national case-control study. PLoS Med. 9, e1001184, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001184.

26. Тaddeus S. & Maine D. Too far to walk: maternal mortality in context. Soc. Sci. Med. 38, 1091–1110 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-9536(94)90226-7

27. McMahon M.J., Luther E.R., Bowes W.A. Jr.&Olshan, A.F. Comparison of a trial of labor with an elective second cesarean section. N. Engl. J. Med. 335, 689–695, doi: 10. 1056/ NEJM 199609053351001 (1996).

28. Greene M. F. Vaginal birth a er cesarean revisited. N. Engl. J. Med. 351, 2647–2649, doi: 10. 1056/ NEJMe 048277 (2004).


1. Vogel JP et al. 2015. Use of the Robson classi cation to assess caesarean section trends in 21 countries: a secondary analysis of two WHO multicountry surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 3:e260–270, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(15)70094-X.

2. Betrán AP et al. 2016. The increasing trend in caesarean section rates: global, regional and national estimates: 1990–2014. PLoS One. 11:e0148343, doi: 10.1371/journal. pone. 0148343.

3. Kennare R, Tucker G, Heard A & Chan A. 2007. Risks of adverse outcomes in the next birth after a first cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 109:270–276, doi: 10. 1097/ 01. AOG. 0000250469. 23047. 73.

4. Lydon-Rochelle M, Holt VL, Easterling TR & Martin DP. 2001. Risk of uterine rupture during labor among women with a prior cesarean delivery. N. Engl. J. Med. 345:3–8, doi: 10. 1056/ nejm 200107053450101.

5. Spong CY et al. 2007. Risk of uterine rupture and adverse perinatal outcome at term a er cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 110:801–807, doi: 10. 1097/ 01. AOG.0000284622.71222.b2.

6. Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsen L & Vangen S. 2010. Uterine rupture a er previous caesarean section. BJOG. 117:809–820, doi: 10. 1111/j. 1471-0528. 2010.02533.x.

7. Halperin ME, Moore DC & Hannah WJ. 1988. Classical versus low-segment transverse incision for preterm caesarean section: maternal complications and outcome of subsequent pregnancies. BJOG. 95:990–996, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0528.1988.tb06502.x.

8. Smith D, Stringer E, Vladutiu CJ, Zink AH & Strauss R. 2015. Risk of uterine rupture among women attempting vaginal birth a er cesarean with an unknown uterine scar. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., doi: 10.1016/ j. ajog. 2015. 01. 056.

9. Kayani SI & Alfirevic Z. 2005. Uterine rupture a er induction of labour in women with previous caesarean section. BJOG. 112:451–455, doi: 10. 1111/ j. 1471-0528. 2004. 00336.x.

10. Kaczmarczyk M, Sparén P, Terry P & Cnattingius S. 2007. Risk factors for uterine rupture and neonatal consequences of uterine rupture: a population-based study of successive pregnancies in Sweden. BJOG. 114:1208–1214, doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0528. 2007.01484.x.

11. Lannon SM, Guthrie KA, Vanderhoeven JP & Gammill HS. 2015. Uterine rupture risk a erperiviable cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 125:1095–1100, doi: 10. 1097/ AOG. 0000000000000832.

12. Ronel D, Wiznitzer A, Sergienko R, Zlotnik A & Sheiner E. 2012. Trends, risk factors and pregnancy outcome in women with uterine rupture. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. 285:317–321, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00404-011-1977-8.

13. Ofir K, Sheiner E, Levy A, Katz M & Mazor M. 2003. Uterine rupture: risk factors and pregnancy outcome. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 189:1042–1046. https://doi.org/10.1067/S0002-9378(03)01052-4

14. Hofmeyr GJ, Say L & Gulmezoglu AM. 2005. WHO systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity: the prevalence of uterine rupture. BJOG. 112:1221–1228, doi: 10. 1111/j. 1471-0528. 2005.00725.x.

15. Ahmed SM & Daalla SE. 2001. Incidence of uterine rupture in a Teaching Hospital, Sudan. Saudi Med. J. 22:757–761.

16. Eze JN & Ibekwe PC. 2010. Uterine rupture at a secondary hospital in A kpo, Southeast Nigeria. Singapore Med J. 51:506–511.

17. Ohonsi AO & RA. 2011. Risk factors for ruptured uterus in a developing country. Gynecology & Obstetrics. 01, https://doi.org/10.4172/2161-0932.1000102.

18. Berhe Y & Wall LL. 2014. Uterine rupture in resource-poor countries. Obstet. Gynecol. Surv. 69:695–707, doi: 10.1097/ OGX. 0000000000000123.

19. Singh A & Shrivastava C. 2015. Uterine rupture: still a harsh reality! J. Obstet. Gynaecol. India. 65:158–161, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13224-014-0551-2.

20. Souza JP et al. 2011. The world health organization multicountry survey on maternal and newborn health: study protocol. BMC Health Serv. Res. 11:286, https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-11-286.

21. Souza JP et al. 2013. Moving beyond essential interventions for reduction of maternal mortality (the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health): a cross-sectional study. Lancet. 381:1747–1755, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60686-8.

22. Vogel JP et al. 2014. Maternal complications and perinatal mortality: ndings of the World Health Organization Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health. BJOG. 121 Suppl 1:76–88, doi: 10.1111/1471-0528. 12633.

23. Souza JP et al. 2012. The WHO maternal near-miss approach and the maternal severity index model (MSI): tools for assessing the management of severe maternal morbidity. PLoS One. 7:e44129, doi: 10.1371/ journal. pone. 0044129.

24. United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report 2013 http: //hdr. undp. org/ sites/ default/ les/ reports/14/ hdr 2013_ en_complete.pdf (2013).

25. Fitzpatrick KE et al. 2012. Uterine rupture by intended mode of delivery in the UK: a national case-control study. PLoS Med. 9:e1001184, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001184.

26. Тaddeus S & Maine D. 1994. Too far to walk: maternal mortality in context. Soc. Sci. Med. 38:1091–1110. https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-9536(94)90226-7

27. McMahon MJ, Luther ER, Bowes WA Jr & Olshan AF. 1996. Comparison of a trial of labor with an elective second cesarean section. N. Engl. J. Med. 335:689–695, doi: 10. 1056/ NEJM 199609053351001.

28. Greene MF. 2004. Vaginal birth a er cesarean revisited. N. Engl. J. Med. 351:2647–2649, doi: 10. 1056/ NEJMe 048277.

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